Being Miserable at Work is Expensive!

What flashbacks do you have when you think about your most miserable job ever? There was an NCIS episode where Abby and McGee go back and forth with one another sharing their worst jobs before joining Team Gibbs. It started out with the boring ones and rapidly morphed into the most disgusting...

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The Tangible Value of What We Value

Since you’ve accepted the responsibility of leading your team, I’m going to assume you’re taking what we’ve dug into up to this point to heart by identifying what you really value and defining exactly why those things are meaningful to you - so don’t prove my faith...

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WHY Do You Value What You Value?

Once we’re confident that we have a solid list of the things we really value, we need to be very intentional about defining the reason each of those values matter to us - or anyone else for that matter! The values our organizations perform to will indeed become the organizational culture...

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What Do YOU Really Value?

SInce we’ve established the importance of organizational culture and we’ve developed a foundation for what that culture needs to be built on, it’s time we get serious about defining the specific values we stand for - the ones we want to be known for upholding, personally and...

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A Culture Built on Values

I don’t believe there’s a cookie-cutter approach to identifying and defining the values any organization’s culture is built around, that really needs to be a very intentional process and those values should be as unique as the products and services a company provides to the...

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What Organizational Culture is Built On

Now that we’ve developed a foundation for The Importance of Organizational Culture, and we have a practical definition of organizational culture we can work from as we lead our teams, let’s nail down what we really need as a strong foundation for that culture to be built on…


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Clear Expectations & High Standards

Once we understand the key to retaining and engaging our new team members, and really all of our team members for that matter, the next piece we need to be sure to build into our onboarding process deals with making sure everyone knows exactly what’s expected. Although that may sound like a...

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Whatever Happened to Accountability?

Over the last few weeks, I’ve had a front row seat watching Cindy handle a situation. In most cases, my highly DRIVEN behavioral style takes complete control and I immerse myself in issues like this to “help” her… After all, I started out as her bodyguard and that’s...

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What Gets Measured Gets Done!

Having started with the stark contrast between happy employees, satisfied employees, and engaged employees, then looking at the real impact employee engagement can have on our organization’s bottom line before we began working through these strategies we can put in place to earn that kind...

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Did You Set Clear Expectations?

Whether you’re leading a small department or a large organization, there’s never a shortage in things that need your attention… Even after those business owners and executives we’ve been looking at have invested the time and energy into leading their teams effectively and...

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Meet Their Needs, Exceed Their Expectations!

Now that we have a solid definition of servant leadership to work from, and we’ve looked at some servant leadership practices that will help us meet the needs of our team members based on their own behavioral style, let’s close the loop with some final thoughts on how we can move this...

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The Buck Stops Here!

I ended the last post by emphasizing how ineffective barking orders and cracking the whip is for a leader who needs to get long term engagement (and results) from their team, and I also referenced how that can often look like an easy approach to someone who hasn’t held leadership...

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